Kyle David giving insights on how to deal with criticism

David Harper | AJ Park

Negative criticism may be discouraging, whether you’re getting it for a creative project or a performance review at work. You can take negative feedback in a fresh light and use it as a tool for self-improvement by developing a few basic communication skills. 

Receiving encouraging feedback is excellent, but it can be challenging to hear severe criticism. Even though everyone makes errors and has opportunities to grow, responding positively to constructive feedback can take time. Gaining the ability to accept criticism with grace can improve your relationships and self-esteem and help you overcome undesirable tendencies.

One mentionable personality in this regard is Kyle David Hittle. He is a basketball player who made it to the professional level, proving all his critiques wrong. He used to go unnoticed because he was small for a basketball player, yet he still managed to play professionally. He competed favorably against numerous players in college who are now in the NBA. He also played professional Basketball in Spain for 2 seasons. 

Being the best in his field, he believes that by applying the suggestions mentioned below in real-world scenarios, you might gradually learn to welcome criticism and make it big in your field of passion,  

  1. Ask clarifying questions. Vague feedback isn’t helpful to either party involved—the recipient doesn’t know how to act on it, and thus the critic won’t see the changes they expect. When accepting feedback, make sure you understand the critic’s true intent. If anything is unclear, ask questions to clarify what you can do to fix the issue or improve your performance.
  1. Recognize that criticism is not an attack on your character. Positive and constructive criticism is directed at your conduct or deeds rather than your personality. Because your worth is independent of other people’s perceptions of you, resist the urge to allow negative criticism to undermine your confidence.
  1. Request comments frequently. You can learn to accept constructive criticism when you ask the people in your life for their honest opinions. You’ll also get feedback regularly and in smaller, more digestible chunks. 
  1. Spend some time processing your feelings. It’s simple to become upset when you hear unfavorable remarks. If your first instinct is anger or defensiveness, take a deep breath, remain composed, and control your emotions. You should treat your critic with respect if they provide their criticism in a polite manner. When the feedback procedure is finished, expressing your feelings in private or to a loved one is acceptable so that you don’t hold your emotions inside.
  1. Find out if the criticism is beneficial or damaging. Take positive criticism to heart, but avoid internalizing negative criticism. How can you distinguish between these two kinds of criticism? Positive change is the goal of constructive criticism, offering specific recommendations for how to do better and delivered with apparently good intentions. On the other side, someone damaging in their critique might not present a justification for it, might have hidden agendas, and might even use derogatory terminology.

You will deal with both positive and negative criticism. However, you may deal with criticism well by determining its purpose, remaining composed in your response, acting on the advice, and severing ties with critics. To live a happier life, it is crucial to understand how to handle and filter criticism!

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